Looking at the design process in pictures (above) it is clear to see the progress I have made throughout this project. I am particularly pleased with how I have persevered and seen my idea through, from the initial sketches to the final finished prototype, despite the time-constraints caused by the equipment problems. My ideas, colours and shape have remained consistent and I have worked hard to achieve the professional/commercial finish I'd hoped for as was set out in the specification. I am really happy that the prototype looks just like the Pro/ENGINEER final render I designed - it's quite an achievement as I was hopeless on Pro/ENGINEER before this project!
I am disappointed I couldn't make the silicone trim around my speaker grille. I don't think the acrylic really does it justice, it would have been great to have had that extra texture on the model. If I were to undertake this project again I would definitely look into using lighting as a way of creating the neon 'glow' I was after. Having seen other prototypes with lighting I can see this is a really effective touch and completely fits with the Tron Legacy theme.
Overall I feel I have created a bold, well-made prototype that completely answers the brief of designing an MP3 amplifier to promote the release of the film Tron Legacy. And best of all, it works!